At the 19th Annual General Meeting in Frankfurt am Main (Photo: DTTB)
The 50-year-old senior partner at the renowned Boston Consulting Group has been a passionate club player for over 40 years, is currently ranked among the top 300 male players in the country

Dr Wolfgang Dörner named the future CEO of the DTTB

SH 14.12.2024

Frankfurt/Main. The German Table Tennis Association (DTTB) has announced a new CEO: Starting 1 March 2025, Dr Wolfgang Dörner will assume leadership of Germany’s tenth-largest Olympic sports federation. The 50-year-old holds a doctorate in business informatics and has spent over 25 years in management consulting with the renowned Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Currently serving as Managing Director for Germany and Central Europe, he is also a senior partner at the firm. At the 19th Annual General Meeting in Frankfurt am Main on Saturday, Dr Dörner introduced himself to the delegates of the DTTB’s member associations and committees.

“It is a cause close to my heart to dedicate my energy and experience to the development of table tennis in Germany,” Dörner said. “For over two decades, I have given my all to BCG and my clients, and I will continue to do so until my transition. However, the chance to apply the management expertise I’ve gained over 25 years to my lifelong passion for table tennis was an opportunity I simply couldn’t pass up.”


Over 40 years as a club Player / Ranked among Germany’s top 300

A native of Frankfurt and father of four, Dr Dörner has been an active table tennis player for more than 40 years. Last season, he competed in Germany's fifth division and currently plays at the regional level for TTC Langen 1950 in Hesse. A regular at the German Veterans Championships, he claimed bronze in the over-50 singles category this year and won the over-45 mixed doubles title last year. At the World Masters Championships in Rome, he reached the round of 16 in the singles event. He is currently ranked among the top 300 male players in Germany.

“We received applications from several highly qualified and impressive candidates,” said DTTB President Konrad Grillmeyer, whose Supervisory Board oversees the appointment of the Managing Board. “Dr Wolfgang Dörner stood out as the best choice due to his professional credentials and deep commitment to the sport.” Dr Dörner will succeed Andreas Hain, who made history as the first CEO in the DTTB’s 99-year existence and has been serving as interim head of the association. Dr Wolfgang Dörner will also complete tasks at BCG by the end of June.

Clear roles in leadership: Operational and strategic responsibilities

The DTTB’s three-member Managing Board – comprising the CEO, the Director of Sport (Richard Prause), and the Director of Administration (Matthias Vatheuer) – functions as the executive arm of the organization. Tasked with implementing the association’s strategy, the Managing Board handles all operational decisions. The Supervisory Board, acting as the oversight body, focuses on strategic governance and coordinates overarching policy with the Managing Board, without involvement in day-to-day management.


The members of the current DTTB Managing Board and Supervisory Board


Deutscher Tischtennis-Bund
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